Good Morning, YMG Family,
Last night at the Cavs game was impactful. Our young men were able to experience the arena like few can. We saw how the arena comes to life before fans enter into Rocket -Mortgage.
We felt a warm welcome by Cavs staff, and we were inspired by encouraging words from a Cavs youth coach- we call “Chalk Talk.” We sat in premium seats while we watched players from the Toronto Raptors and Cavs warm up and go through their pregame routine. Then, we witnessed the Cavs win a hard-fought battle.
Parents, the feedback our organization received from not only the Cavs youth department but from the security staff and various other staff - they see the work we are doing, and they are encouraged by it. They all unanimously stated that our young black adolescent males need the work Young Men Growing is doing. Please keep doing it! 🥹
Parents, we want to make sure we recognize you because you fought through traffic and you trusted your young men in our care. We humbly say thank you! 🫱🏾🫲🏿
Young Men Growing

Thanks so much YMG for all you do!! This opportunity was such a blessing for our young men! Thank you! 🖤