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Reasons to Help

The mentors and partners of YMG are committed to a holistic approach to teaching Leadership Development, Life Skills, advocacy for Social-Emotional Health, and curriculum-based Financial Literacy components while requiring hours of engagement to give back to one's community; this has been our call to action to the combat the current crisis in our communities and the lives of our young black males today. We understand that it takes a village, so we are also asking you to answer the call.

Over 75% of black households are raising children without fathers present in the home. This alarming statistic is directly tied to the increase Highschool dropouts, drug abuse, violence, and teenage fatherhood. After doing the math, it is also understood that the average single mother working a full-time job of 40+ hours, has less than 5 hours a week to effectively pour into her son.


This is where the mentors at YMG and its partners have become resourceful and aided in additional support. The four pillars of our mission emphasize an emphasis on social and emotional health and have helped change the trajectory of some of our Young Men’s lives. Your donations will continue to help us provide the necessary resources free of charge to the Young Men, additional curriculum development, and sustainability.


We realize that not all can be saved but we hope that as we reach one, they will teach one. We are committed to the next generation and well-rounded building leaders. Come alongside, and partner with our commitment to next-generation leaders.

Many are called but the chosen are few.

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