At YMG, we approach life with an intentional pursuit for greatness. Every day that we meet, we begin our time together with our statement of dedication
We Believe. We are courageous. We are strong. We are thinkers. We are ambassadors for our community. We are leaders. We are more than you see. We are change agents.
We Believe. We are the future. We are college Bound. We are hungry for success. We will exceed all negative stereotypes through hard work and self-education.
We believe. We are bound for greatness. We are gentlemen. We were created to be protectors. We were created to be providers.
We Believe. We will not waiver under challenging obstacles placed before us, but will use them for opportunities to learn and grow.
We Acknowledge. Life will be challenging. We accept it! That’s why we will face life with an intentional pursuit for greatness. We have purpose. We will live out our purpose.
We are YMG.
We are Young Men Growing, salute!